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Datasets on Arxiv



SpokesBiz -- an Open Corpus of Conversational Polish
cls:dataset: 0.875cls:prompteng: 0.5

This paper announces the early release of SpokesBiz, a freely available corpus of conversational Polish developed within the CLARIN-BIZ project and comprising over 650 hours of recordings. The transcribed recordings have been diarized and manually annotated for punctuation and casing. We outline the general structure and content of the corpus, showcasing selected applications in linguistic research, evaluation and improvement of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems



CattleEyeView: A Multi-task Top-down View Cattle Dataset for Smarter Precision Livestock Farming
cls:dataset: 0.526cls:prompteng: 0.16

Cattle farming is one of the important and profitable agricultural industries. Employing intelligent automated precision livestock farming systems that can count animals, track the animals and their poses will raise productivity and significantly reduce the heavy burden on its already limited labor pool. To achieve such intelligent systems, a large cattle video dataset is essential in developing and training such models. However, many current animal datasets are tailored to few tasks or other types of animals, which result in poorer model performance when applied to cattle. Moreover, they do not provide top-down views of cattle. To address such limitations, we introduce CattleEyeView dataset, the first top-down view multi-task cattle video dataset for a variety of inter-related tasks (i.e., counting, detection, pose estimation, tracking, instance segmentation) that are useful to count the number of cows and assess their growth and well-being. The dataset contains 753 distinct top-down cow instances in 30,703 frames (14 video sequences). We perform benchmark experiments to evaluate the model's performance for each task. The dataset and codes can be found at



Plant Disease Recognition Datasets in the Age of Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
cls:dataset: 0.979cls:prompteng: 0.0

Plant disease recognition has witnessed a significant improvement with deep learning in recent years. Although plant disease datasets are essential and many relevant datasets are public available, two fundamental questions exist. First, how to differentiate datasets and further choose suitable public datasets for specific applications? Second, what kinds of characteristics of datasets are desired to achieve promising performance in real-world applications? To address the questions, this study explicitly propose an informative taxonomy to describe potential plant disease datasets. We further provide several directions for future, such as creating challenge-oriented datasets and the ultimate objective deploying deep learning in real-world applications with satisfactory performance. In addition, existing related public RGB image datasets are summarized. We believe that this study will contributing making better datasets and that this study will contribute beyond plant disease recognition such as plant species recognition. To facilitate the community, our project is public with the information of relevant public datasets.



Toxic language detection: a systematic survey of Arabic datasets
cls:dataset: 0.506cls:prompteng: 0.2

This paper offers a comprehensive survey of Arabic datasets focused on online toxic language. We systematically gathered a total of 49 available datasets and their corresponding papers and conducted a thorough analysis, considering 16 criteria across three primary dimensions: content, annotation process, and reusability. This analysis enabled us to identify existing gaps and make recommendations for future research works.



Toward Real Text Manipulation Detection: New Dataset and New Solution
cls:dataset: 0.627cls:prompteng: 0.18

With the surge in realistic text tampering, detecting fraudulent text in images has gained prominence for maintaining information security. However, the high costs associated with professional text manipulation and annotation limit the availability of real-world datasets, with most relying on synthetic tampering, which inadequately replicates real-world tampering attributes. To address this issue, we present the Real Text Manipulation (RTM) dataset, encompassing 14,250 text images, which include 5,986 manually and 5,258 automatically tampered images, created using a variety of techniques, alongside 3,006 unaltered text images for evaluating solution stability. Our evaluations indicate that existing methods falter in text forgery detection on the RTM dataset. We propose a robust baseline solution featuring a Consistency-aware Aggregation Hub and a Gated Cross Neighborhood-attention Fusion module for efficient multi-modal information fusion, supplemented by a Tampered-Authentic Contrastive Learning module during training, enriching feature representation distinction. This framework, extendable to other dual-stream architectures, demonstrated notable localization performance improvements of 7.33% and 6.38% on manual and overall manipulations, respectively. Our contributions aim to propel advancements in real-world text tampering detection. Code and dataset will be made available at



BoschAI @ Causal News Corpus 2023: Robust Cause-Effect Span Extraction using Multi-Layer Sequence Tagging and Data Augmentation
cls:dataset: 0.617cls:prompteng: 0.17

Understanding causality is a core aspect of intelligence. The Event Causality Identification with Causal News Corpus Shared Task addresses two aspects of this challenge: Subtask 1 aims at detecting causal relationships in texts, and Subtask 2 requires identifying signal words and the spans that refer to the cause or effect, respectively. Our system, which is based on pre-trained transformers, stacked sequence tagging, and synthetic data augmentation, ranks third in Subtask 1 and wins Subtask 2 with an F1 score of 72.8, corresponding to a margin of 13 pp. to the second-best system.



Modyn: A Platform for Model Training on Dynamic Datasets With Sample-Level Data Selection
cls:dataset: 0.640cls:prompteng: 0.1

Machine learning training data is often dynamic in real-world use cases, i.e., data is added or removed and may experience distribution shifts over time. Models must incorporate this evolving training data to improve generalization, adapt to potential distribution shifts, and adhere to privacy regulations. However, the cost of model (re)training is proportional to how often the model trains and on how much data it trains on. While ML research explores these topics in isolation, there is no end-to-end open-source platform to facilitate the exploration of model retraining and data selection policies and the deployment these algorithms efficiently at scale. We present Modyn, a platform for model training on dynamic datasets that enables sample-level data selection and triggering policies. Modyn orchestrates continuous training pipelines while optimizing the underlying system infrastructure to support fast access to arbitrary data samples for efficient data selection. Modyn's extensible architecture allows users to run training pipelines without modifying the platform code, and enables researchers to effortlessly extend the system. We evaluate Modyn's training throughput, showing that even in memory-bound recommendation systems workloads, Modyn is able to reach 80 to 100 % of the throughput compared to loading big chunks of data locally without sample-level data selection. Additionally, we showcase Modyn's functionality with three different data selection policies.



PCoQA: Persian Conversational Question Answering Dataset
cls:dataset: 0.882cls:prompteng: 0.5

Humans seek information regarding a specific topic through performing a conversation containing a series of questions and answers. In the pursuit of conversational question answering research, we introduce the PCoQA, the first \textbf{P}ersian \textbf{Co}nversational \textbf{Q}uestion \textbf{A}nswering dataset, a resource comprising information-seeking dialogs encompassing a total of 9,026 contextually-driven questions. Each dialog involves a questioner, a responder, and a document from the Wikipedia; The questioner asks several inter-connected questions from the text and the responder provides a span of the document as the answer for each question. PCoQA is designed to present novel challenges compared to previous question answering datasets including having more open-ended non-factual answers, longer answers, and fewer lexical overlaps. This paper not only presents the comprehensive PCoQA dataset but also reports the performance of various benchmark models. Our models include baseline models and pre-trained models, which are leveraged to boost the performance of the model. The dataset and benchmarks are available at our Github page.



Towards More Practical Group Activity Detection: A New Benchmark and Model
cls:dataset: 0.968cls:prompteng: 0.13

Group activity detection (GAD) is the task of identifying members of each group and classifying the activity of the group at the same time in a video. While GAD has been studied recently, there is still much room for improvement in both dataset and methodology due to their limited capability to address practical GAD scenarios. To resolve these issues, we first present a new dataset, dubbed Caf\'e. Unlike existing datasets, Caf\'e is constructed primarily for GAD and presents more practical evaluation scenarios and metrics, as well as being large-scale and providing rich annotations. Along with the dataset, we propose a new GAD model that deals with an unknown number of groups and latent group members efficiently and effectively. We evaluated our model on three datasets including Caf\'e, where it outperformed previous work in terms of both accuracy and inference speed. Both our dataset and code base will be open to the public to promote future research on GAD.



Dataset Distillation via the Wasserstein Metric
cls:dataset: 0.621cls:prompteng: 0.155

Dataset distillation (DD) offers a compelling approach in computer vision, with the goal of condensing extensive datasets into smaller synthetic versions without sacrificing much of the model performance. In this paper, we continue to study the methods for DD, by addressing its conceptually core objective: how to capture the essential representation of extensive datasets in smaller, synthetic forms. We propose a novel approach utilizing the Wasserstein distance, a metric rooted in optimal transport theory, to enhance distribution matching in DD. Our method leverages the Wasserstein barycenter, offering a geometrically meaningful way to quantify distribution differences and effectively capture the centroid of a set of distributions. Our approach retains the computational benefits of distribution matching-based methods while achieving new state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks. To provide useful prior for learning the images, we embed the synthetic data into the feature space of pretrained classification models to conduct distribution matching. Extensive testing on various high-resolution datasets confirms the effectiveness and adaptability of our method, indicating the promising yet unexplored capabilities of Wasserstein metrics in dataset distillation.



COVIDx CXR-4: An Expanded Multi-Institutional Open-Source Benchmark Dataset for Chest X-ray Image-Based Computer-Aided COVID-19 Diagnostics
cls:dataset: 0.715cls:prompteng: 0.19

The global ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic remain significant, exerting persistent pressure on nations even three years after its initial outbreak. Deep learning models have shown promise in improving COVID-19 diagnostics but require diverse and larger-scale datasets to improve performance. In this paper, we introduce COVIDx CXR-4, an expanded multi-institutional open-source benchmark dataset for chest X-ray image-based computer-aided COVID-19 diagnostics. COVIDx CXR-4 expands significantly on the previous COVIDx CXR-3 dataset by increasing the total patient cohort size by greater than 2.66 times, resulting in 84,818 images from 45,342 patients across multiple institutions. We provide extensive analysis on the diversity of the patient demographic, imaging metadata, and disease distributions to highlight potential dataset biases. To the best of the authors' knowledge, COVIDx CXR-4 is the largest and most diverse open-source COVID-19 CXR dataset and is made publicly available as part of an open initiative to advance research to aid clinicians against the COVID-19 disease.



PKU-I2IQA: An Image-to-Image Quality Assessment Database for AI Generated Images
cls:dataset: 0.666cls:prompteng: 0.14

With the development of image generation technology, AI-based image generation has been applied in various fields. However, the development of AIGC image generative models also brings new problems and challenges. A significant challenge is that AI-generated images (AIGI) compared to natural images may have some unique distortions, and not all generated images meet the requirements of the real world, so it is of great significance to evaluate AI-generated images more comprehensively. Although previous work has established some human perception-based AIGC image quality assessment databases for text-generated images, the AI image generation technology includes scenarios like text-to-image and image-to-image, and assessing only the images generated by text-to-image models is insufficient. To address this issue, we have established a human perception-based image-to-image AIGC image quality assessment database, named PKU-I2IQA. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the PKU-I2IQA database. Furthermore, we introduced two benchmark models: NR-AIGCIQA based on no-reference image quality assessment and FR-AIGCIQA based on full-reference image quality assessment.Finally, leveraging this database, we conducted benchmark experiments and compared the performance of the proposed benchmark models. The PKU-I2IQA database and benchmarks will be released to facilitate future research on Keywords: AIGC, image-to-image generation, image quality assessment, NR-AIGCIQA, FR-AIGCIQA


Prompt Engineering on Arxiv



To be or not to be? an exploration of continuously controllable prompt engineering
cls:dataset: 0.24cls:prompteng: 0.614

As the use of large language models becomes more widespread, techniques like parameter-efficient fine-tuning and other methods for controlled generation are gaining traction for customizing models and managing their outputs. However, the challenge of precisely controlling how prompts influence these models is an area ripe for further investigation. In response, we introduce ControlPE (Continuously Controllable Prompt Engineering). ControlPE enables finer adjustments to prompt effects, complementing existing prompt engineering, and effectively controls continuous targets. This approach harnesses the power of LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) to create an effect akin to prompt weighting, enabling fine-tuned adjustments to the impact of prompts. Our methodology involves generating specialized datasets for prompt distillation, incorporating these prompts into the LoRA model, and carefully adjusting LoRA merging weight to regulate the influence of prompts. This provides a dynamic and adaptable tool for prompt control. Through our experiments, we have validated the practicality and efficacy of ControlPE. It proves to be a promising solution for control a variety of prompts, ranging from generating short responses prompts, refusal prompts to chain-of-thought prompts.



Evaluating the Knowledge Base Completion Potential of GPT
cls:dataset: 0.40cls:prompteng: 0.616

Structured knowledge bases (KBs) are an asset for search engines and other applications, but are inevitably incomplete. Language models (LMs) have been proposed for unsupervised knowledge base completion (KBC), yet, their ability to do this at scale and with high accuracy remains an open question. Prior experimental studies mostly fall short because they only evaluate on popular subjects, or sample already existing facts from KBs. In this work, we perform a careful evaluation of GPT's potential to complete the largest public KB: Wikidata. We find that, despite their size and capabilities, models like GPT-3, ChatGPT and GPT-4 do not achieve fully convincing results on this task. Nonetheless, they provide solid improvements over earlier approaches with smaller LMs. In particular, we show that, with proper thresholding, GPT-3 enables to extend Wikidata by 27M facts at 90% precision.



Large Search Model: Redefining Search Stack in the Era of LLMs
cls:dataset: 0.8cls:prompteng: 0.780

Modern search engines are built on a stack of different components, including query understanding, retrieval, multi-stage ranking, and question answering, among others. These components are often optimized and deployed independently. In this paper, we introduce a novel conceptual framework called large search model, which redefines the conventional search stack by unifying search tasks with one large language model (LLM). All tasks are formulated as autoregressive text generation problems, allowing for the customization of tasks through the use of natural language prompts. This proposed framework capitalizes on the strong language understanding and reasoning capabilities of LLMs, offering the potential to enhance search result quality while simultaneously simplifying the existing cumbersome search stack. To substantiate the feasibility of this framework, we present a series of proof-of-concept experiments and discuss the potential challenges associated with implementing this approach within real-world search systems.



Large Language Models Meet Open-World Intent Discovery and Recognition: An Evaluation of ChatGPT
cls:dataset: 0.52cls:prompteng: 0.685

The tasks of out-of-domain (OOD) intent discovery and generalized intent discovery (GID) aim to extend a closed intent classifier to open-world intent sets, which is crucial to task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems. Previous methods address them by fine-tuning discriminative models. Recently, although some studies have been exploring the application of large language models (LLMs) represented by ChatGPT to various downstream tasks, it is still unclear for the ability of ChatGPT to discover and incrementally extent OOD intents. In this paper, we comprehensively evaluate ChatGPT on OOD intent discovery and GID, and then outline the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT. Overall, ChatGPT exhibits consistent advantages under zero-shot settings, but is still at a disadvantage compared to fine-tuned models. More deeply, through a series of analytical experiments, we summarize and discuss the challenges faced by LLMs including clustering, domain-specific understanding, and cross-domain in-context learning scenarios. Finally, we provide empirical guidance for future directions to address these challenges.



Prompt Packer: Deceiving LLMs through Compositional Instruction with Hidden Attacks
cls:dataset: 0.72cls:prompteng: 0.508

Recently, Large language models (LLMs) with powerful general capabilities have been increasingly integrated into various Web applications, while undergoing alignment training to ensure that the generated content aligns with user intent and ethics. Unfortunately, they remain the risk of generating harmful content like hate speech and criminal activities in practical applications. Current approaches primarily rely on detecting, collecting, and training against harmful prompts to prevent such risks. However, they typically focused on the "superficial" harmful prompts with a solitary intent, ignoring composite attack instructions with multiple intentions that can easily elicit harmful content in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we introduce an innovative technique for obfuscating harmful instructions: Compositional Instruction Attacks (CIA), which refers to attacking by combination and encapsulation of multiple instructions. CIA hides harmful prompts within instructions of harmless intentions, making it impossible for the model to identify underlying malicious intentions. Furthermore, we implement two transformation methods, known as T-CIA and W-CIA, to automatically disguise harmful instructions as talking or writing tasks, making them appear harmless to LLMs. We evaluated CIA on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and ChatGLM2 with two safety assessment datasets and two harmful prompt datasets. It achieves an attack success rate of 95%+ on safety assessment datasets, and 83%+ for GPT-4, 91%+ for ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo backed) and ChatGLM2-6B on harmful prompt datasets. Our approach reveals the vulnerability of LLMs to such compositional instruction attacks that harbor underlying harmful intentions, contributing significantly to LLM security development. Warning: this paper may contain offensive or upsetting content!



Unveiling the potential of large language models in generating semantic and cross-language clones
cls:dataset: 0.1cls:prompteng: 0.608

Semantic and Cross-language code clone generation may be useful for code reuse, code comprehension, refactoring and benchmarking. OpenAI's GPT model has potential in such clone generation as GPT is used for text generation. When developers copy/paste codes from Stack Overflow (SO) or within a system, there might be inconsistent changes leading to unexpected behaviours. Similarly, if someone possesses a code snippet in a particular programming language but seeks equivalent functionality in a different language, a semantic cross-language code clone generation approach could provide valuable assistance.In this study, using SemanticCloneBench as a vehicle, we evaluated how well the GPT-3 model could help generate semantic and cross-language clone variants for a given fragment.We have comprised a diverse set of code fragments and assessed GPT-3s performance in generating code variants.Through extensive experimentation and analysis, where 9 judges spent 158 hours to validate, we investigate the model's ability to produce accurate and semantically correct variants. Our findings shed light on GPT-3's strengths in code generation, offering insights into the potential applications and challenges of using advanced language models in software development. Our quantitative analysis yields compelling results. In the realm of semantic clones, GPT-3 attains an impressive accuracy of 62.14% and 0.55 BLEU score, achieved through few-shot prompt engineering. Furthermore, the model shines in transcending linguistic confines, boasting an exceptional 91.25% accuracy in generating cross-language clones



Effective Test Generation Using Pre-trained Large Language Models and Mutation Testing
cls:dataset: 0.112cls:prompteng: 0.594

One of the critical phases in software development is software testing. Testing helps with identifying potential bugs and reducing maintenance costs. The goal of automated test generation tools is to ease the development of tests by suggesting efficient bug-revealing tests. Recently, researchers have leveraged Large Language Models (LLMs) of code to generate unit tests. While the code coverage of generated tests was usually assessed, the literature has acknowledged that the coverage is weakly correlated with the efficiency of tests in bug detection. To improve over this limitation, in this paper, we introduce MuTAP for improving the effectiveness of test cases generated by LLMs in terms of revealing bugs by leveraging mutation testing. Our goal is achieved by augmenting prompts with surviving mutants, as those mutants highlight the limitations of test cases in detecting bugs. MuTAP is capable of generating effective test cases in the absence of natural language descriptions of the Program Under Test (PUTs). We employ different LLMs within MuTAP and evaluate their performance on different benchmarks. Our results show that our proposed method is able to detect up to 28% more faulty human-written code snippets. Among these, 17% remained undetected by both the current state-of-the-art fully automated test generation tool (i.e., Pynguin) and zero-shot/few-shot learning approaches on LLMs. Furthermore, MuTAP achieves a Mutation Score (MS) of 93.57% on synthetic buggy code, outperforming all other approaches in our evaluation. Our findings suggest that although LLMs can serve as a useful tool to generate test cases, they require specific post-processing steps to enhance the effectiveness of the generated test cases which may suffer from syntactic or functional errors and may be ineffective in detecting certain types of bugs and testing corner cases PUTs.



Flacuna: Unleashing the Problem Solving Power of Vicuna using FLAN Fine-Tuning
cls:dataset: 0.84cls:prompteng: 0.657

Recently, the release of INSTRUCTEVAL has provided valuable insights into the performance of large language models (LLMs) that utilize encoder-decoder or decoder-only architecture. Interestingly, despite being introduced four years ago, T5-based LLMs, such as FLAN-T5, continue to outperform the latest decoder-based LLMs, such as LLAMA and VICUNA, on tasks that require general problem-solving skills. This performance discrepancy can be attributed to three key factors: (1) Pre-training data, (2) Backbone architecture, and (3) Instruction dataset. In this technical report, our main focus is on investigating the impact of the third factor by leveraging VICUNA, a large language model based on LLAMA, which has undergone fine-tuning on ChatGPT conversations. To achieve this objective, we fine-tuned VICUNA using a customized instruction dataset collection called FLANMINI. This collection includes a subset of the large-scale instruction dataset known as FLAN, as well as various code-related datasets and conversational datasets derived from ChatGPT/GPT-4. This dataset comprises a large number of tasks that demand problem-solving skills. Our experimental findings strongly indicate that the enhanced problem-solving abilities of our model, FLACUNA, are obtained through fine-tuning VICUNA on the FLAN dataset, leading to significant improvements across numerous benchmark datasets in INSTRUCTEVAL. FLACUNA is publicly available at



Ethical Aspects of ChatGPT in Software Engineering Research
cls:dataset: 0.100cls:prompteng: 0.533

ChatGPT can improve Software Engineering (SE) research practices by offering efficient, accessible information analysis and synthesis based on natural language interactions. However, ChatGPT could bring ethical challenges, encompassing plagiarism, privacy, data security, and the risk of generating biased or potentially detrimental data. This research aims to fill the given gap by elaborating on the key elements: motivators, demotivators, and ethical principles of using ChatGPT in SE research. To achieve this objective, we conducted a literature survey, identified the mentioned elements, and presented their relationships by developing a taxonomy. Further, the identified literature-based elements (motivators, demotivators, and ethical principles) were empirically evaluated by conducting a comprehensive questionnaire-based survey involving SE researchers. Additionally, we employed Interpretive Structure Modeling (ISM) approach to analyze the relationships between the ethical principles of using ChatGPT in SE research and develop a level based decision model. We further conducted a Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) analysis to create a cluster-based decision model. These models aim to help SE researchers devise effective strategies for ethically integrating ChatGPT into SE research by following the identified principles through adopting the motivators and addressing the demotivators. The findings of this study will establish a benchmark for incorporating ChatGPT services in SE research with an emphasis on ethical considerations.



PokemonChat: Auditing ChatGPT for Pokémon Universe Knowledge
cls:dataset: 0.75cls:prompteng: 0.605

The recently released ChatGPT model demonstrates unprecedented capabilities in zero-shot question-answering. In this work, we probe ChatGPT for its conversational understanding and introduce a conversational framework (protocol) that can be adopted in future studies. The Pok\'emon universe serves as an ideal testing ground for auditing ChatGPT's reasoning capabilities due to its closed world assumption. After bringing ChatGPT's background knowledge (on the Pok\'emon universe) to light, we test its reasoning process when using these concepts in battle scenarios. We then evaluate its ability to acquire new knowledge and include it in its reasoning process. Our ultimate goal is to assess ChatGPT's ability to generalize, combine features, and to acquire and reason over newly introduced knowledge from human feedback. We find that ChatGPT has prior knowledge of the Pokemon universe, which can reason upon in battle scenarios to a great extent, even when new information is introduced. The model performs better with collaborative feedback and if there is an initial phase of information retrieval, but also hallucinates occasionally and is susceptible to adversarial attacks.



Service Composition in the ChatGPT Era
cls:dataset: 0.10cls:prompteng: 0.697

The paper speculates about how ChatGPT-like systems can support the field of automated service composition and identifies new research areas to explore in order to take advantage of such tools in the field of service-oriented composition.



Chain-of-Dictionary Prompting Elicits Translation in Large Language Models
cls:dataset: 0.30cls:prompteng: 0.619

Large language models (LLMs) have shown surprisingly good performance in multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT) even when trained without parallel data. Yet, despite the fact that the amount of training data is gigantic, they still struggle with translating rare words, particularly for low-resource languages. Even worse, it is usually unrealistic to retrieve relevant demonstrations for in-context learning with low-resource languages on LLMs, which restricts the practical use of LLMs for translation -- how should we mitigate this problem? To this end, we present a novel method, CoD, which augments LLMs with prior knowledge with the chains of multilingual dictionaries for a subset of input words to elicit translation abilities for LLMs. Extensive experiments indicate that augmenting ChatGPT with CoD elicits large gains by up to 13x ChrF++ points for MNMT (3.08 to 42.63 for English to Serbian written in Cyrillic script) on FLORES-200 full devtest set. We further demonstrate the importance of chaining the multilingual dictionaries, as well as the superiority of CoD to few-shot demonstration for low-resource languages.
